Am I the only one who thinks "carbonmade" is a strange name for a site that hosts art and portfolios? I don't mean the subject of what it's hosting directly, just the name. Carbonmade. It's just odd - all life is carbon. Making it just a human thing kinda negates the fact that all life on earth is carbon. Ah well, whatever, have some image of carbon in action!
I finally got my PLA written, and student evaluation filled out - something productive got done! Well, that and I think I've got a few more songs under my belt. True to form I think I got more done on my week off then at school, not that I had much to do to begin with. My brother and I hang out most of the time, and when I'm not doing that I'm generally playing the piano or outside wandering the forests or just dancing. Truthfully I think I enjoy dancing just as much as I used to - I tried to convince myself after the accident that I wouldn't miss it, but I did. I still do. Even if it hurts after awhile, I'd rather dance than not, and it's a painful truth. Maybe that's just how the truth works though; it's painful and powerful. Probably because you're not expecting it.
Last weekend before the grind, gonna have fun in the cold sunshine!
Hello. :)
The idea behind the name is that we're "carbon based life forms and we make stuff." Hence Carbonmade. :)